Parental Preference & Permission: To be completed by child's parent/legal guardian.

Part of Forever Eight's mission is to raise the profile of children with long term and chronic illness in the UK.
We use our website and social media channels to highlight children and their journey.
Please consider allowing us to use photographs and first name only, where possible, as this also helps us raise funds to
further our mission.
This will not affect the decision to grant an Art Package.
Please read our Privacy Policy Here

Permission Options 1

 I give permission for Forever Eight to show photographs of my child including their first name only
on the Forever Eight Website and Social Media channels. I understand that Forever Eight may
mention my child's diagnosis and treatment. 

Permission Options 2

I do not wish you to use my child's photograph, but I am happy to give permission to use my
child's name, diagnosis and treatment on Forever Eight website and social media channels to
promote Forever Eight

Permission Options 3

I do not wish you to use my child's photograph or my child's name, diagnosis and treatment on
Forever Eight website and social media channels to promote Forever Eight

Art Package Request Online Form

Parental Preference & Permission: To be completed by child's parent/legal guardian.
Journey Information - Information you provide here will be used on our social media and/or our website to help raise awareness of brave children and encourage others to get involved in our mission.
Your Childs Likes and Dislikes, Please tell us all about your child and give us as much information as you can. This information is used to tailor make the art package for your child. E.g., favourite colour, film, character, football team etc.

Privacy Policy | Charity Number: 1202104 | (With Love) © 2024 All Rights Reserved.